
Ticker Tape Widget

Go all vintage Wall Street with our scrolling ticker tape. Embed this stock exchange-style running ticker in just a few clicks. Power suit and expensive watch, not required.


Use the TradingView Ticker Tape Widget builder to generate the options for the <TickerTape/> widget and pass into the options prop.

  <TickerTape :options="{
    colorTheme: 'dark',
    showSymbolLogo: true,
    isTransparent: false,
    displayMode: 'adaptive',
    locale: 'en',
    symbols: [
        proName: 'FOREXCOM:SPXUSD',
        title: 'S&P 500 Index',
        proName: 'FOREXCOM:NSXUSD',
        title: 'US 100 Cash CFD',
        proName: 'FX_IDC:EURUSD',
        title: 'EUR to USD',
        proName: 'BITSTAMP:BTCUSD',
        title: 'Bitcoin',
        proName: 'BITSTAMP:ETHUSD',
        title: 'Ethereum',


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