Use TradingView Widgets
in your Nuxt 3 Application

Enhance your Nuxt App with powerful TradingView Widgets for comprehensive
financial analysis and trading capabilities.

Exact widgets with
same configuration

Seamless Integration

Effortlessly integrate the widgets into your Nuxt application with the exact options provided by TradingView.

No API Keys or Authentication Needed

The module is designed to work with TradingView Widget Embeds; no need for API keys or authentication.

Multiple Widgets on a Single Page

Utilize multiple widgets on a single page with different configurations, each widget independent of the others.

Import Only What You Need

No need to import the entire widget package; you can selectively import only the widgets you want, reducing bundle size.

Customizable Prefixes

Customize widget prefixes to prevent conflicts with other libraries or frameworks.

20+ Available Widgets

Utilize all widgets provided by TradingView, including Charts, Screeners, Tickers, and more.

Discover how to add and
configure widgets in seconds

Follow our module's documentation and refer to the TradingView Docs to quickly add and configure widgets in your Nuxt 3 application. We provide a comprehensive guide to facilitate your setup process.

$npm install nuxt-tradingview
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